English- speaking lawyer in Spain.

We provide bespoke legal advice, guidance, and support for overseas individual and organizations with interests in Spain and UK, helping those people to mitigate the negative effects of Brexit. We invite you to contact to our lawyers to study the viability of your case and the different alternatives that you have.

Our combination of knowledge in different jurisdictions has given us a great track record in helping our international clients.

Our team is formed by qualify lawyers and accountant in Spain and UK.

What can we help you if you are English speaker in Spain?

  • Immigration services: Get your residence in Spain and the Spanish citizen.
  • Business in Spain: Company formation and accounting advisory services
  • Property: Buying, selling, mortgages and renting.
  • Wills, estates and inheritance
  • Litigation and legal advice
  • Insurance: Health insurance
  • Family law under Spanish jurisdiction.
  • International criminal law
  • International Employment law
  • Flight compensation.

What can we help you if you are a British citizen living in Spain?

The withdrawl agreement sets out a transition period which last until the 31 of December 2020, during this time you can continue to live, work and study in the EU broadly.

Before Brexit you should:

  1. Register as a resident in Spain
  2. Register for healthcare as a resident in Spain
  3. Exchange your driving license for a Spanish one

Our services for you are:

  • DGT: Driving licence
  • Immigration services: Get your residence brexit
  • Business: Company formation, tax advice and accountancy services
  • Tax law: living more than 183 days in Spain because of COVID-19
  • Family law: Divorces and inheritance

You may be interested in British citizen in Spain. What about me?



Abogados especializados en Brexit

Asesoramos a españoles que se encuentren en Reino Unido y a británicos que se encuentren en España, con intereses en ambas jurisdicciones para ayudar a paliar los efectos negativos del Brexit. Le invitamos a que nos exponga su caso de manera gratuita y sin ningún compromiso para estudiar la viabilidad de su caso y darle presupuesto.

Nuestro equipo está formado por abogados y contables cualificados en ambas jurisdicciones.

¿Qué ofrecemos a los españoles en Reino Unido?

  • Pre-settled status UK.
  • Tax returns.
  • Constitución de empresas en Reino Unido y en España
  • Operaciones mercantiles en Reino Unido
  • Fiscalidad en Reino Unido
  • Representación letrada en cualquier asunto legal en España

¿Qué ofrecemos a los hispanohablantes en Reino Unido?

  • Asesoría en inmigración: residencia en Reino Unido o en España.
  • Visados a los residentes en Espala para el Reino Unido.
  • Conservación de la nacionalidad española
  • Constitución de empresas en UK y en España
  • Operaciones mercantiles en Reino Unido
  • Fiscalidad en Reino Unido.
  • Representación letrada en cualquier asunto legal en España